Full Moon in Leo Musings
the vibe of the leo full moon
The Full Moon in Leo is illuminating themes of self expression, joy, play, authenticity, and the dance of romance. Use the energy of this moon to lean into creative expression in a way that nourishes the heart space and helps to integrate the internal shifts that may be uncovered during this full moon.
Leo…on an emotional level, wants to express itself, lead, radiate joy and laughter, and take up space unapologetically. The Sun, currently in Aquarius needs to feel connected to something bigger, to share its uniqueness and vision in a way that creates an impact that ripples out to the world. Aquarius doesn’t seek validation... it speaks because its voice matters. The reminder here is that we all matter and we are all important. We all have something to say, and whatever ideas, downloads, or sparks of inspiration (mercury’s influence) come through this Full Moo might just be the beginning of something new.
Get curious about the creative sparks that come through this Full Moon, write it down, feel it coming from the heart...searching for the step forward to the bigger vision. You may be encouraged to speak the truth but to also listen... as things may land in your space in unexpected ways. Keep it sacred or share it with the world – whatever feels good for you.
It’s time to shed the façade. Step into play, into joy, into creativity. Are you showing up in your full authentic expression or are you waiting for external validation? You don’t need to be an echo of the collective. Authenticity isn’t about trying so hard to be different that you lose yourself in the process... it’s just about being you and Leo reminds us of this. Who are you? We need the version of you that existed before the world told you who to be, before we all absorbed the murkiness that was never supposed to be part of us. The stuff that latches on like a leech that won’t let go....until Uranus shakes it up or you decide to let go of it yourself. What is this for you?
This Full Moon comes with some much needed shake ups. The Sun and Moon square Uranus, the planet that will liberate you. Uranus doesn’t do comfort... it moves us into the uncomfortable truths we’ve been avoiding. Where do you need to break free? What outdated values or ideas of security need to be released?
Take care of your emotional well being by doing things that bring you back to yourself...creating art, moving your body or just expressing what’s been waiting to come out. This transit is about honouring all parts of yourself... the private, unfiltered, unshaken depths of who you are. Shine in who you are, share who you are, and watch the shifts unfold in time to come.
Black Moon Lilith will soften any stirring of the pot that Uranus likes to cheekily add to the mix sometimes (all for the greater good of both yourself and the collective). She forms a powerful trine to the Sun, our source of light, vitality, and joy, encouraging you to find that radiance within first… so you can shine it out into the world. Black Moon Lilith is raw, primal, untamed. She’s brave, speaks from the heart, breaks free from what society says is right to tune into her own desires. She won’t let herself be caged in by anything other than what is her truth. She is reminding you to own your voice, your power, and your story without diluting ANYTHING... let go of everything else. What is being called to be released or celebrated within yourself?
At 24° of Leo during this full moon, I may be called to let go of outdated systems to find my joy, creative expression and authenticity in:
My sense of identity, how I present myself, the essence of who I am and my life in action
My core values, self-worth, personal resources, and financial security.
My mind, communication style, thought patterns, relationship with siblings, pursuit of new skills and and how I connect with others intellectually
My home, emotional foundation, family roots, and the sense of security that grounds me.
My creativity, hobbies, sources of pleasure, and romantic experiences.
My wellbeing, holistic mind, body and spirit, daily habits, routines, work and service to others.
My one-on-one relationships, partnerships and collaborations
Deep transformational healing, emotional + intimate bonds, shared finances and the unseen
My journey of expansion, higher learning, travel, and spiritual or philosophical beliefs.
My career, sense of integrity, public image, ambitions, achievements, legacy and place in the world.
My friendships, community involvement, social networks, and long-term aspirations, visions and dreams
My subconscious mind, fears, intuition, dreams and inner-growth
ponders, reflections + prompts
what am i ready to release under this full moon? what outdated stories, expectations, or identities am I shedding? / what is authenticity to me? / who am I and who am I not? / what shake ups do I feel I need in my life? / what bold and heart led steps can I take toward my vision? how will this support both myself and the greater collective? / where am I holding myself back in fully expressing my true self? / what outdated belief systems am I ready to say byeee to? / how will I invite in more play, joy and creativity during this full moon?