Journaling has been such a transformative part of my life for a big part of my life

Through putting pen to paper, I enjoy uncovering the reasons why I feel a certain way. I have uncovered ways to bring out my confidence, my most true self, to find ways to believe in myself and to follow the things that well and truly light me up. It was through Journaling that I found Astrology.

It was through this connection with self, I was able to pivot myself forward and work on me, to enable me to be the BEST me I could be. First its uncovering, then it’s following those breadcrumbs to make those changes.

Journaling has allowed me to reconnect with myself and create greater self-awareness. It’s supported me to better understand my passions, manifest my dreams, reflect, process, remind myself of all the beauty and gratitude around me and move forward with goals (and create these journals!). Most importantly, Journaling has allowed me to better understand my most authentic self, reminding myself that there is only one me, just as there is only one unique you. I love that and want you to come home to the magic that is you too! It was through my own personal experience with Journaling that I had this huge desire to create something of my own. Something that allowed me to express myself creatively but also make a positive impact on the world and those around me. This is my deepest vision and calling.

My dream is for everyone to experience the beauty that journaling can bring - digging deeper into what lights you up and letting go of what doesn’t. Harnessing and chasing the beauty the Universe has to offer and reflecting and learning on life's challenges, obstacles, and wins.

I am beyond excited that you’re here and to share my soul creations with you. The Journals I have created are based on the elements Earth, Fire, Water and Air. I am naturally curious about people and how astrology can influence one's behaviour and their own unique personalities and blueprint. The words and colours I chose for the individual journals reflect the element and the natural traits that it echoes. I encourage you to choose a journal you are drawn to as I believe we all go through different seasons and at different times of our lives we may gravitate to different energies we want to embody

When you hold onto your journal and start writing, I hope you to feel energised, authentic, unstoppable, in flow, creative, magical and free. It’s my opportunity to connect with you with a journal created with love, for you to then create your own haven of magic. Your own dreams. Your own authentic life.

B x


Hey! I am Bernadette, but you can call me ‘B’. I am the creator and founder of Butterfly and Bee Co. and an Evolutionary Astrologer. I have a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Rising and Gemini Moon. I am a massive foodie and lover of nature, adventure, forest and sea. I am constantly chasing fun and adventure as it light’s me up.