How to form a deeper connection with your astrology placements
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Write a letter to your astrology placements
If you don’t fully connect with your astrology placements, whether that is your sun, moon or rising or some of your personal placements (mars, venus and mercury) — a great way to form a deeper bond could be journaling on it or writing a letter to a particular placement. Explore the parts you love, and the parts you are challenged by. Ask yourself, why is this? Where did this come from? Perhaps you were surrounded by a strong Aries environment at a young age, so exploring your strong Pisces energy may be hard to connect with. You are learning your natal birth chart, no one comes onto earth knowing how to fully embody all unique parts of themselves, but when they do, and they tune into it and live it out, life can feel in sync and in alignment. Get curious and question all of your placements. Write a letter to them, thanking them for what they give you and get curious on the challenges and shadows.
Reflect on societal expectations + create your own
You may find it hard to connect with your astrology placements because of societal expectations. I.e. an Aquarius rising may be encouraged to move through the world in a way that think’s outside the box, pushes boundaries, is it’s own thought leader and won’t conform to what society says is true. Your astrology placements always guide you to forge your own unique path, and to work with the magic you have within — your soul is calling for it. It can be incredibly easy to get lost in what society expects of you or even your family and friends expectations. Perhaps some things were labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ growing up. Tune into your own truth, get curious on all parts of yourself and create your own story/words that ring true to you. If you disagree with the words society places on your particular placement, explore your own interpretation of it.
Create your own reality, listen to your intuition & choose your words
If you’re constantly grasping onto what pop astrology says (or others), loosen the grip a little and listen to your intuition. Your own inner-guidance and wisdom will always win and will always be your truth. Jump into a conversation with an astrologer and tune into both their guidance and your own. Flip the switch and get curious on other meanings of placements. I.e. if the Aquarius energy of ‘rebellious’ doesn’t feel true to you, perhaps ‘revolutionary’ or ‘trailblazing’ does. If Leo’s bold energy doesn’t ring true, perhaps leader and cheerleader does. Astrology isn’t black and white. You can re-word and lean into what makes sense to you, always. Your placements are supposed to make sense and guide you — not make you feel dazed and confused. Your soul chose these placements and to experience the human experience in a certain way in this lifetime.
Integrate the shadow to find the strengths
To fully embody all parts of your placements, it’s important to integrate both the shadow and to find the gift. Sometimes you will need to focus on the shadow of each archetype to build an even deeper connection with yourself and your truth. Through the shadow, the gift and true essence can be found within. It’s about acknowledging it and bringing attention to the parts you avoid, understanding it’s purpose and what it is there to teach you and then transforming the challenge into your greatest potential. I.e. Aries may be seen as ‘impulsive and selfish’ but in reality when worked with in a positive way this can be seen as living as a fearless leader inspiring others to take initiative and go after their dreams. What are the shadows and gifts of your placements and how can you transform yourself here?